Thank you!

It’s been an exciting couple of days at the Festival office. Tickets went on sale at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, May 29. Despite the temporary technical glitches with both the telephone and online systems, our patrons persevered.

Here’s where we stand on Friday afternoon, May 31: The events with Terry Fallis and Elizabeth Hay are sold out. Full Festival Passes and the Friday and Saturday Day Passes are also sold out.

This is the important piece: Tickets to 19 events featuring outstanding Canadian authors are still available.

We thank Canadian writers for causing this mayhem every year and we thank our enthusiastic and loyal audience. Many of you return year after year and we’re delighted to see so many newcomers purchase tickets for the first time. The Festival of the Written Arts audience is legendary among Canadian writers. You inspire us! Thank you, thank you, thank you!