Legacy of Literacy Donor Wall

Kathy Mulder

Kathy Mulder, Len Pakulak and Festival 2018 author Ausma Zehanat Khan
Kathy Mulder

Kathy Mulder has only missed three festivals, one because she was getting married. “I kinda thought I should show up for that,” she jokes. “Now I have a very understanding husband who puts up with the fact that we are often apart on our anniversary.” Kathy’s mom, Lynn Pakulak, was a patron and volunteer, and even sat on the Festival Board for many years. “Mom loved to read and that’s an addiction she planted in me,” says Kathy. When Lynn passed away, her husband Len established the Lynn Pakulak Endowment which directly supports festival programming and Kathy now introduces the writers that her mom’s endowment supports. “I’ve had such an amazing and immersive experience every time I have gone,” she says. “I have Festival friends I see only once a year, but it’s always an opportunity to meet new people and hear new ideas.” Kathy also recognizes the importance of the Legacy of Literacy Endowment to the ongoing sustainability of the Festival and its diverse programming. “The Festival is truly lasting all year long,” she says. “It encourages reading and writing in school and in community. Who wouldn’t want to be part of that?”

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