Updated May 10, 2022:
While the ongoing pandemic hasn’t stopped us from planning a wonderful 40th anniversary Festival (August 11-14), it has caused us to rethink how we do things and make some significant changes. Some of you are long-time attendees and some of you are new to the Festival. I hope the explanations offered below provide the rationale for our decisions.
But first things first: the schedule and author bios can be found here.
Brochure Distribution
- This year: We are reducing the number of brochures we print and eliminating direct mass mailing. The brochures will be available on the Sunshine Coast at locations from Gibsons to Pender Harbour. Those locations will be posted on our website and in advertisements in the Coast Reporter. The brochure content (author bios, general information, ticket purchasing options) will be posted on our website along with a downloadable/printable pdf of the schedule and ticket prices. Brochures will be distributed in May and the website will be updated with the brochure content.
- We will be happy to mail you a brochure if you request it. Send an email to ja**@wr*************.ca or call/leave a message at 604-885-9631. Please provide your current mailing address (even if you think we have it).
- Why: Brochure printing/postage is a big expense and generates a lot of paper waste. The brochure mailing is a huge undertaking that requires 8-10 volunteers working together to stamp, label and stuff envelopes. This is not the time to gather together in a small space.
Ticket Sales: On Sale Date
- This year: We will delay putting tickets on sale until June 20, 2022.
- Why: We need to see where this virus is going. Will we be allowed to have 400 people in the Pavilion in August and will we be comfortable doing so? We do not want to find ourselves in the position of having to reduce capacity after tickets go on sale. The safety and comfort of the authors, audience, volunteer and production team remain our priority.
Ticket Sales: First day of sales
- This year: We are asking as many of you as possible to purchase your tickets and passes through Showpass. While many of us have grown accustomed to making online purchases throughout the course of the pandemic, we recognize that some won’t have access to a computer and the online system. We will continue to take orders by phone when tickets go on sale but there will be only two telephone lines open and two people answering the calls. In-person sales will start on the day after tickets go on sale.
- Why: For many years, we have installed a temporary 8-line system that is very expensive and has never been reliable. Showpass is a stable online platform. Again, we are also trying to avoid having 10 people gather in our small office talking orders by telephone.
What’s next? We will post here and send a digital newsletter when the brochure has been distributed to pick-up locations on the Sunshine Coast and let you know where you can find it. We’ll also be in touch well in advance of June 20 to brief you on the process of ordering tickets through Showpass.
Please help us spread the word to Festival friends or friends who might be interested in joining us this year and ask them to sign up for our digital newsletter. This is the most efficient way to share news and updates. We send newsletters infrequently and only when we have information to share.
Questions? You can reach us at the office Monday-Friday at 604-885-9631 or send an email to ja**@wr*************.ca.